var h1='header=[<style="vertical-align:middle; z-index:25; color:#bbbbbb;">Seat ', h2='] body=[Select the ', h3=' of the hole card here. "Wild" means that any ', h4=' is OK.] fixedrelx=', hL='[20] fixedrely=[0] delay=[2000]', hR='[-152] fixedrely=[0] delay=[2000]';
h1='header=[<style="vertical-align:middle; z-index:25; color:#bbbbbb;">'; h2=' ] body=[Select the '; h3=' card here. "Wild" means that any '; h4=' is OK.] fixedrelx=[10] fixedrely=[0] delay=[2000]';
RM[20].title=RM[21].title=RM[22].title=h1+'Flop Card Rank'+h2+'rank of the flop'+h3+'rank'+h4;
SM[20].title=SM[21].title=SM[22].title=h1+'Flop Card Suit'+h2+'suit of the flop'+h3+'suit'+h4;
h4=' is OK.] fixedrelx=[-152] fixedrely=[0] delay=[2000]';
RM[23].title=h1+'Turn Card Rank'+h2+'rank of the turn'+h3+'rank'+h4; SM[23].title=h1+'Turn Card Suit'+h2+'suit of the turn'+h3+'suit'+h4;
RM[24].title=h1+'River Card Rank'+h2+'rank of the river'+h3+'rank'+h4; SM[24].title=h1+'River Card Suit'+h2+'suit of the river'+h3+'suit'+h4;
d.resetHandsButton.title=h1+'Reset Hands] body=[Click to fold all hole cards and start over.] fixedrelx=[45] fixedrely=[8] delay=[2000]';
d.resetBoardButton.title=h1+'Reset Board] body=[Click to set all board cards to "wild" (any rank and any suit.)] fixedrelx=[-154] fixedrely=[8] delay=[2000]';
d.dealPreFlopButton.title=h1+'Preflop Odds] body=[Click to calculate odds of winning before the board cards are dealt.] fixedrelx=[-11] fixedrely=[-65] delay=[2000]';
d.dealFlopButton.title=h1+'Flop Odds] body=[Click to calculate odds of winning after the flop cards are dealt.] fixedrelx=[-20] fixedrely=[-65] delay=[2000]';
d.dealTurnButton.title=h1+'Turn Odds] body=[Click to calculate odds of winning after the turn card is dealt.] fixedrelx=[-50] fixedrely=[-65] delay=[2000]';
d.dealRiverButton.title=h1+'River Odds] body=[Click to calculate odds of winning after all the board cards are dealt.] fixedrelx=[-90] fixedrely=[-65] delay=[2000]';
d.newsButtonImage.title=h1+'News Link] body=[Click to open your browser to the FlopTech news page.] fixedabsx=[62] fixedabsy=[18] delay=[2000]';
d.floptechImage.title=h1+'FlopTech Home Link] body=[Click to open your browser to the FlopTech home page.] fixedabsx=[66] fixedabsy=[58] delay=[2000]';
d.helpButtonImage.title=h1+'Help Link] body=[Click to open your browser to the FlopCruncher Users Guide page.] fixedabsx=[67] fixedabsy=[18] delay=[2000]';
d.getElementById("popupMessageModeMenu").title=h1+'Text Option] body=[Select poker quotes or hand statistics for any occupied seat.] fixedabsx=[88] fixedabsy=[88] delay=[2000]';
d.getElementById("popupDealCountMenu").title=h1+'Deal Count Option] body=[Select fewer deals for speed, more deals for accuracy.] fixedabsx=[88] fixedabsy=[118] delay=[2000]';
d.getElementById("popupThemeMenu").title=h1+'Theme Option] body=[Select a background image and card back color.] fixedabsx=[88] fixedabsy=[148] delay=[2000]';
d.getElementById("fourColorCheck").title=h1+'Suit Color Option] body=[Check for black, red, green, and blue suits.] fixedabsx=[111] fixedabsy=[148] delay=[2000]';
d.getElementById("popupPlayMenu").title=h1+'Hand Playback] body=[Set up a hand for playback.] fixedabsx=[88] fixedabsy=[178] delay=[2000]';
d.getElementById("newsAlertCheck").title=h1+'News Alert Option] body=[Check to make FlopCruncher look for FlopTech news updates once every day.] fixedabsx=[148] fixedabsy=[175] delay=[2000]';
d.getElementById("tooltipsCheck").title=h1+'Tooltips Option] body=[Check to show info on controls when you hold the cursor over them.] fixedabsx=[71] fixedabsy=[175] delay=[2000]';
d.purchaseButtonImage.title=h1+'Purchase / Feedback Button] body=[Click to purchase FlopCruncher or to send feedback to FlopTech.] fixedabsx=[148] fixedabsy=[165] delay=[2000]';
function showPrefs()
if (window.widget) widget.prepareForTransition("ToBack");
if (request.readyState==4 && request.status==200) // request has completed and status is "OK"
var result=request.responseText;
update=result.split(","); ftNid=update[0];
if (window.widget)
var curid=widget.preferenceForKey("news update id");
if (!curid || curid.length==0)curid=0;
if (curid != ftNid){newsStat="alert"; newsURL=update[1];}
function storeBundledHands()
if (window.widget)
var w=widget;
if (!w.preferenceForKey("101"))w.setPreferenceForKey("101;Brunson vs. Alto, 1976;Doyle Brunson vs. Jesse Alto<br>(1976 WSOP Championship Event);2;Brunson;2;4;0S2S;Alto;9;4;ASJH;0HAHJS2C0D;x;Preflop: It's heads-up and Brunson has the chip lead. Alto raises small, Brunson calls.;Flop: Alto hits top two and makes a pot size bet. Brunson moves in with bottom pair no kicker, Alto calls.;Turn: Brunson makes bottom two pair, and now has only four outs.;River: A miracle ten gives Brunson his first WSOP Cham- pionship and the $220K winner-take-all prize.", "101");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("102"))w.setPreferenceForKey("102;Brunson vs. Berland, 1977;Doyle Brunson vs. \"Bones\" Berland<br>(1977 WSOP Championship Event);9;Brunson;2;4;0S2H;Berland;9;4;8H5C;0D8S5H2C0C;x;Preflop: It's down to heads-up play, and Brunson has a 4:1 chip lead. They limp in with rags.;Flop: Berland makes two pair, Brunson makes top pair, both players check.;Turn: Brunson makes top and bottom pair, Berland moves in, Brunson calls.;River: Brunson wins the WSOP Cham- pionship and $340k. Back to back wins with 10-2 for tens full of deuces.", "102");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("103"))w.setPreferenceForKey("103;Chan vs. Seidel, 1988;Johnny Chan vs. Erik Seidel<br>(1988 WSOP Championship);2;Chan;2;4;JC9C;Seidel;9;4;QC7S;QS8D0H2S6D;x;Preflop: Heads-up, Chan limps in on the button and Seidel checks the big blind.;Flop: Seidel check-raises Chan to 90K, Chan hollywoods and calls with the nuts.;Turn: both players check. Seidel has top pair but is now drawing dead.;River: a brick. Seidel moves in and Chan insta-calls. Chan wins back to back WSOP Main Event titles.", "103");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("104"))w.setPreferenceForKey("104;Nguyen vs. McBride, 1998;Scotty Nguyen vs. Kevin McBride<br>(1998 WSOP Championship);9;Nguyen;2;4;JD9C;McBride;9;4;QH0H;8C9D9H8H8S;x;Preflop: Nguyen has the chip lead heads-up. McBride bets 50K, Nguyen calls.;Flop: Nguyen calmly check-calls 100K to trap. He's a huge favorite and he knows it.;Turn: McBride again bets 100K, drawing to one out. Nguyen flat calls with boss full house.;River: Nguyen moves in. \"You call, it'll be all over, baby.\" McBride calls and Nguyen is the 1998 WSOP champ.", "104");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("105"))w.setPreferenceForKey("105;Moneymaker vs. Farha, 2003;Chris Moneymaker vs. Sam Farha<br>(2003 WSOP Championship);9;Farha;2;4;QS9H;Moneym.;9;4;KS7H;9S2H6S8S3H;x;Preflop: Money- maker has the chip lead heads-up (4.6M to 3.8M). Moneymaker bets 100K, Farha calls.;Flop: both players check. Farha might have been able to win the pot with a bet here.;Turn: Farha bets 300K, Moneymaker raises to 800K on a semi-bluff with straight and flush draws, Farha calls.;River: Farha checks, Moneymaker moves in. Farha asks \"You must have missed your flush, huh?\", then folds.", "105");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("106"))w.setPreferenceForKey("106;Negreanu vs. Flack, 2004;Daniel Negreanu vs. Layne Flack<br>(2004 Poker at the Plaza);1;Negreanu;2;4;KC0S;Alspach;3;1;ASJH;Smith;8;0;0H3D;Flack;9;4;8C5C;Forrest;0;2;AD4D;Deeb;1;1;8SJD;6CAC9CKS0C;x;Preflop: 5-way action with 6 players left. The slow blind structure encourages limping.;Flop: Flack opens for 9K with his flush, Forrest and Negreanu call.;Turn: Negreanu bets 24K, Flack insta-calls, Forrest folds.;River: Negreanu makes his ace-high flush, value bets 14K, and Flack pays him off.", "106");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("107"))w.setPreferenceForKey("107;Negreanu vs. Deeb, 2004;Daniel Negreanu vs. Freddy Deeb<br>(2004 Poker at the Plaza);1;Negreanu;2;4;KS9H;Alspach;3;1;7C7H;Smith;8;0;4D4H;Forrest;0;1;8CJC;Deeb;1;1;KD5C;KH8D3H????;16KC0;Preflop: The king of clubs is exposed. It would have given Deeb pocket kings. Negreanu opens for 7600 anyway.;Flop: Negreanu hits his king, announces \"Freddy! Your king hit!\", and quietly bets 12K. Nobody calls.;Turn: no post-flop action. Deeb would have flopped top set if his king hadn't been exposed.;River: no post-flop action. Deeb would have flopped top set if his king hadn't been exposed.", "107");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("108"))w.setPreferenceForKey("108;Aglialoro vs. Cassidy, 2004;John Aglialoro vs. Joe Cassidy<br>(2004 U.S. Poker Championship);2;Cassidy;2;4;KS9H;Aglialoro;9;4;7C6D;2H7D6HKD4H;x;Preflop: Cassidy limps, Aglialoro checks. Aglialoro has 2.7 mil vs. 1.1 mil for Cassidy.;Flop: Aglialoro checks top two pair to trap but Cassidy checks behind.;Turn: bad card for Cassidy. Aglialoro opens for 80K, Cassidy raises to 280K, Aglialoro calls.;River: Aglialoro checks, Cassidy bets 500K, Aglia- loro pushes. Cas- sidy makes a great read and folds.", "108");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("109"))w.setPreferenceForKey("109;Ferguson vs. Hellmuth, 2005;Chris Ferguson vs. Phil Hellmuth<br>(2005 NBC National Heads-Up);9;Ferguson;2;4;9H2C;Hellmuth;9;4;AH3S;2H5H9C4H9D;x;Preflop: 3rd hand of 2nd match, Phil is up 1 to 0 in best of 3. Phil completes to 4K, Jesus raises to 28K, Phil calls.;Flop: Jesus leads 40K with two pair, Phil calls with a gutshot.;Turn: Phil makes his straight. Jesus check-raises, Phil moves in covering, Jesus makes a crying call.;River: Jesus fills up, Phil hits the deck, busts on the next hand. (Phil recovers, wins the 3rd match and the title.)", "109");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("110"))w.setPreferenceForKey("110;Harman vs. Zeidman, 2005;Jennifer Harman vs. Corey Zeidman<br>(2005 WSOP Championship);9;Davis;1;1;AS6D;Harman;2;4;QDQC;Zeidman;9;4;9D8D;0SJDQH0D7D;x;Preflop: 10-handed, Harman opens for 200, Zeidman calls in LP, Brady Davis calls in the BB.;Flop: Harman bets 500 with top set, Zeidman raises to 2K with his flopped straight, Harman calls.;Turn: Harman makes boss full house and check-raises Zeidman to 3K. He thinks and calls with one out.;RIver: and there it is. Zeidman check-calls all-in and slow-rolls the stone nuts: the straight flush.", "110");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("111"))w.setPreferenceForKey("111;Matusow vs. Sheikhan, 2005;\"Mouth\" Matusow vs. \"Sheiky\" Sheikhan<br>(2005 WSOP Championship);9;Mouth;1;4;KSQH;Alsancak;2;0;????;Dannenman;3;0;????;Sheiky;8;4;ADJS;Lazar;9;0;????;Bergsdorf;0;0;????;4D0SACQSKH;x;Preflop: Sheiky moves in for about 500K, and says \"Come see daddy, MIkey.\" Mouth calls.;Flop: Mouth taunts Sheiky with \"Don't make two pair. That would suck.\";Turn: Mouth picks up some outs and says \"Now I don't wanna make two pair.\";River: Sheiky rivers the nuts and glee- fully rubs it in with \"You got what'cha deserved, sucker!\"", "111");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("112"))w.setPreferenceForKey("112;Ivey vs. Jackson, 2005;Phil Ivey vs. Paul Jackson<br>(2005 Monte Carlo Millions);8;Jackson;2;4;5S4D;Sonnert;3;3;JS9D;Ivey;8;4;KHQH;Goodwin;9;0;????;AH4H3D0D3H;x;Preflop: 10K/20K blinds, 3K ante. Sonnert opens for 50K, Ivey and Jackson call.;Flop: Sonnert opens for 105K with air, Ivey and Jackson call. Jackson's mistake #1 is not raising.;Turn: checked around. Everyone gets to see a free river card. Jackson should have bet. Mistake #2.;River: Ivey hits the ace-high flush, but the board is paired. Jackson leads 150K, Ivey thinks and makes a great call.", "112");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("113"))w.setPreferenceForKey("113;Hachem vs. Redlin, 2006;Joe Hachem vs. David Redlin<br>(2006 WPT Bellagio Five Diamond);8;Hachem;0;4;QCQH;Redlin;2;4;AHQS;Andersen;3;0;KSJH;Negreanu;8;0;8H6C;Hanna;9;0;KD7C;4D7H4HACQD;x;Preflop: Redlin opens for 180k, Hachem pops it to 500k. Redlin moves in for 725k more, Hachem calls.;Flop: rags. Hachem is a big favorite, Redlin needs an ace or running hearts.;Turn: Redlin spikes an ace. Hachem has only one out and starts cutting out chips for Redlin.;River: BOOM! The case queen knocks out Redlin in 5th. 3 hours later Hachem is passed all the sugar.", "113");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("114"))w.setPreferenceForKey("114;Negreanu vs. Hansen, 2006;Daniel Negreanu vs. Gus Hansen<br>(High Stakes Poker Season 2);1;Brunson;1;0;????;Esfandiari;2;0;ADQC;Hansen;3;4;5D5C;Negreanu;8;4;6S6H;Zeidman;9;0;????;Greenstein;0;0;????;9C6D5H5S8S;x;Preflop: Gus leads $2100, Daniel raises to $5K, Gus calls. (Amnon Filippi and Eli Elezra fold too.);Flop: Nightmare set-over-set flop for Gus. He check-raises Daniel, who calls the $26K.;Turn: Disaster for Daniel. Gus has hit his 1-outer for quads. Gus makes a weak $24K lead, Daniel thinks, calls.;River: Gus check-raises all-in for $167K, Daniel makes a crying call and loses the $575,700 pot. Ouch.", "114");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("115"))w.setPreferenceForKey("115;Furst vs. Hua, 2006;Rafe Furst vs. Can Kim Hua<br>(2006 WSOP $1500 PLH Event);0;Hua;2;4;7D2S;Furst;0;4;ASAH;Bronstein;1;0;KD0H;Enciso;8;0;????;Lynch;9;0;????;Boutin;3;0;????;7S7HQD3CAD;x;Preflop: Furst limps in with aces, Bronstein limps, Hua raises to 60K on a steal. Furst flat calls.;Flop: dream flop for Hua. He bets 55K, Furst flat calls again. Furst needs an ace or running queens.;Turn: Hua checks, Furst bets 53K thinking it is a value bet. Hua puts Furst all-in, Furst calls.;River: Furst hits his 2-outer to double up. He goes on to win his first WSOP bracelet.", "115");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("116"))w.setPreferenceForKey("116;Sagle vs. Turkewitsch, 2007;Jason Sagle vs. Soren Turkewitsch<br>(2007 WPT at Fallsview);9;Sagle;2;4;AC9D;Turkewit.;9;4;AD3C;5S9H2S4D8S;x;Preflop: Turke- witsch moves in for 4.6 million, Sagle calls covering after thinking for 1 minute.;Flop: Sagle flops his kicker but Turke- witsch now has an inside straight draw.;Turn: miracle four gives Turkewitsch his straight. Sagle can only chop with a 3 on the river.; River: Turkewitsch doubles to over 9 million, Sagle has less than 1 million. Turkewitsch goes on to win.", "116");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("117"))w.setPreferenceForKey("117;Juanda vs. Mizrachi, 2007;John Juanda vs. Michael Mizrachi<br>(2007 NBC National Heads-Up);2;Juanda;2;4;JH6H;Mizrachi;9;4;KH8C;KS3S7D6C6S;x;Preflop: Juanda moves in for 2900, Mizrachi calls covering.;Flop: Mizrachi flops top pair, Juanda needs runners.;Turn: Juanda gets one runner and now needs a jack or another six.;River: Juanda gets his second runner for trip sixes and doubles up.", "117");
if (!w.preferenceForKey("hand update id"))w.setPreferenceForKey("117", "hand update id");
function dealCountChanged(elem) {deals=elem.options[elem.selectedIndex].value;}
function errStatMsg() {sMsg="<br>Please choose an un-folded hand for statistics";}
function setStatMsg(s)
if (s!='1'&&s!='2'&&s!='3'&&s!='8'&&s!='9'&&s!='a') {errStatMsg(); return;}
var u=(s=='a'?"10":s);
sMsg="<br>Statistics mode:<br>seat "+u;
if (pMode)
var t=document.getElementById("seatTitle"+u); sName=t.innerHTML;
if (sName==" " || sName=="") {errStatMsg(); return;}
sMsg +=": "+sName; sName +=": ";
sName="seat "+u+": ";
function dealPreflopButtonOver(){DB[0].src=street==preflop?dpbdo:dpbo}
function dealFlopButtonOver() {DB[1].src=street==flop?dfbdo:dfbo}
function dealTurnButtonOver() {DB[2].src=street==turn?dtbdo:dtbo}
function dealRiverButtonOver() {DB[3].src=street==river?drbdo:drbo}
function dealPreFlopButtonDown(){if (prevStr!=preflop) dealButtonUp(prevStr); prevStr=street;street=preflop; DB[0].src=dpbdo; setTimeout("dealpreflop();",0);}
function dealFlopButtonDown() {if (prevStr!=flop) dealButtonUp(prevStr); prevStr=street;street=flop; DB[1].src=dfbdo; setTimeout("dealflop();",0);}
function dealTurnButtonDown() {if (prevStr!=turn) dealButtonUp(prevStr); prevStr=street;street=turn; DB[2].src=dtbdo; setTimeout("dealturn();",0);}
function dealRiverButtonDown() {if (prevStr!=river) dealButtonUp(prevStr); prevStr=street;street=river; DB[3].src=drbdo; setTimeout("dealriver();",0);}
function dealPreFlopButtonOut() {DB[0].src=street==preflop?dpbd:dpb}
function dealFlopButtonOut() {DB[1].src=street==flop?dfbd:dfb}
function dealTurnButtonOut() {DB[2].src=street==turn?dtbd:dtb}
function dealRiverButtonOut() {DB[3].src=street==river?drbd:drb}
function dealButtonUp(s) {if (s!=never)DB[s].src="Images/themes/"+theme+"/deal"+SS[s]+".png";}
function rbButtonOver() {resetBoardButton.src='Images/themes/'+theme+'/resetboardover.png'; shadowFlopImage.src='Images/themes/'+theme+'/flopglow.png'; shadowTurnImage.src=shadowRiverImage.src='Images/themes/'+theme+'/boardglow.png';}
function rhButtonOver() {resetHandsButton.src='Images/themes/'+theme+'/resethandsover.png'; SH[0].src=SH[1].src=SH[2].src=SH[3].src=SH[4].src=SH[5].src=SH[6].src=SH[7].src=SH[8].src=SH[9].src=hsg;}
function rbButtonOut() {resetBoardButton.src='Images/themes/'+theme+'/resetboard.png'; shadowFlopImage.src='Images/front/flopshadow.png'; shadowTurnImage.src=shadowRiverImage.src='Images/front/boardshadow.png'; kFoc(false);}
function rhButtonOut() {resetHandsButton.src='Images/themes/'+theme+'/resethands.png'; SH[0].src=SH[1].src=SH[2].src=SH[3].src=SH[4].src=SH[5].src=SH[6].src=SH[7].src=SH[8].src=SH[9].src=hsh; kFoc(false);}
function rbButtonDown() {resetBoardButton.src='Images/themes/'+theme+'/resetboarddownover.png'; dealButtonUp(street); setTimeout("reset(0); kFoc(false);",0);}
function rhButtonDown() {resetHandsButton.src='Images/themes/'+theme+'/resethandsdownover.png'; dealButtonUp(street); setTimeout("reset(1); kFoc(false);",0);}